Friday, August 28, 2009

Money Problems

Do you have money problems? Struggling to pay off your loans or store cards? A debt management plan or IVA can help you. If you owe at least £2000 to unsecured creditors and you can't afford your repayments, then this is a great way of getting you out of your debt problems. It means you don't have to pay back 100% of the debts you can't afford.

An unsecured creditor means one who cannot take something back off you if you can't pay them. For example if you have a car loan then the car can be taken back, or if you have a mortgage then your house can be taken back. Debts like personal loans, store / credit cards and payday loans are classed as unsecured.

A debt management plan is an informal arrangement between you and your creditors to ensure you pay them back something rather than end up paying them nothing at all, which might happen if you went bankrupt. It is beneficial for both parties - they get something, and you get your repayments reduced. It is managed by a third party, called a debt management company, who negotiate with your creditors to help you pay less each month. They also spread your payments out between all the people you owe money to.

An IVA is very similar to a debt plan, but they are a formal arrangement (you sign a contract) and they are managed by Insolvency Practitioners. You can also have some of your debt written off with an IVA.

Both options are excellent solutions to your money problems as long as you maintain discipline while paying back your debt.

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