Friday, August 28, 2009

Is Debt Management a Good Idea?

The question of debt management is one that comes up often. It is an option many take not because they think of it, but because they are approached by a company in a cold call. Often a debt management company trawls through the court records looking for people that are suffering with debt problems and ending up in court as a result. These kinds of tactics are a mixed blessing. For some the fact that they have an option to get help with their debt problems is great news, but often the companies making the calls are not the best choice.

All to many people end up in a debt management scheme that is not the right one for them. It could be that the company involved take a large upfront fee, which the truly ethical ones don't, or they are not effective in negotiating with the creditors and therefore cause problems for the client in getting the payments reduced and the phone calls stopped.

In addition many victims of debt have been treated badly, even illegally by their bank and in many of these cases the debt itself may be unenforceable. If this is the case then it is vital to find a debt management company that will check out the legality of your contract and place it with a debt write-off specialist if possible. Unfortunately many debt management companies are more interested in there own benefit rather than yours.

Finding a highly professional and skilled company that is associated to a successful claims handling agency allow you to win in both directions. The debt management company will get your repayments down to a manageable level, often freezing the interest at the same time, and then once the payments are at a manageable level, seek to get the debt written off. A total win-win situation for you.

Although the entire process can take up to a year to complete, it is a way of maximising your effective income and getting your life back while the professionals work on your behalf to set you free.

So, is debt management a good idea for you? That all depends which company you choose.

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