Friday, May 15, 2009

Put Your Old Objects to Good Use

Sometimes freeing up space in your home is just good for the soul. If you have been a collector or accumulator over the years, no doubt your possessions are crammed into every available nook and cranny. If you are in a situation now where extra money could be used to reduce debt, selling off some of these treasures may be a good way to find some cash, and have some fun doing it. It's an excellent personal debt management strategy and could help you to reduce costs within the home.

First lesson when looking over your space: learn to view objects in it as containers. Containers contain things. Each drawer, room, closet or cranny is in effect a container. There are methods to use when analyzing where to start, one of the most fun is to simply get a big box for each room in your home and mark it "Items to Sell Off". Then, just take one container (preferably a small one to start) in each room and go through it. Make your object to get at least one item for the sale box. The whole process doesn't have to take more than twenty minutes, and at the end of a few weeks, well, your box should be fairly full.

If you'd like to add a second layer to the process, it isn't all that difficult to carry around a rubbish bag too, and put rubbish in it from the container. That sort of de-cluttering really is its own separate process but sometimes doing two things at once isn't impossible. In any event, once the bag is full, empty it into the bin immediately. The rule with rubbish bags is, once they are full, out they go.

It's been several weeks and you've got your room boxes full of interesting items. Now it's time to invite friends over to help you price, and have a bit of wine and cheese in the process. Use standard price tags, as if you

were opening your own store, and mark items about one-tenth to one-fifth market value if they are in good to excellent condition. People appreciate getting gently used one owner items, so make them look their best. Keeping a spreadsheet you'll have a good idea what the sale will realize if you add up all your entries. Sometimes you'd be amazed at what you can do with items you no longer use or need.

Following the regulations for garage sales or home sales in your district, put ads for your sale up, and have refreshments handy for your customers. This can turn into a great repeat home business venture, and chances are you barely scratched the surface in your first venture. So, put your old objects to good use and apply the money you earn toward your debt. It's a great and easy way to help yourself manage debt and achieve a reduction.

After researching into the profound effects of debt across the UK it was clear to the author (David Saltonstall) that some clear headed thinking was required, looking around his home he soon discovered a wealth of treasure which he could sell on eBay! Eureka -- a debt management plan (of sorts) was born!

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